Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonus · 1mo

The way this fandom treats people like zoo animals to be mocked, made fun of, and laughed at is beyond me. I'm sorry you have to deal with so much negativity.

Conflict of views will always exist. Spark is always there. It's on fandom's maturity if it'll turn into drama. Unfortunately that's the test this fandom fails too often.

People are too reactory, and I blame it on general toxicity of social media. If you dive in with "I'll be pissed off" mindset then something is bound to piss you off - something that's likely innocuous. Alarming amount of people lacks that mental brake to pull, step back and do the mental check work "is this really worth getting worked up over?" - in 95% of times answer is no.

"If you do xyz, which I deem is a red line, I'll start treating you with 0 human decency" - how is that mindset any better than a high school bully? It upsets me when I see what people are getting harrassed over. It's plain absurd. For all its proclaims of progressivism this fandom acts deeply conservative. I honestly want to believe it's just a very loud and annoying minority that unfortunately snatches the spotlight and not vast majority.

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