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anonus · 21d

What Balkan traditions do you think Nikolai would enjoy the most?

Oh my god don't let Nikolai go there he'll get even crazier 😭😭😭

Jokes aside that's really hard to tell because there are 10+ countries on the Balkan peninsula, it's a multicultural region with variety of traditions and customs. Ukraine borders with a balkan country but there aren't that many cultural similarities, as far as I know. On the flipside it still is eastern Europe so he'd probably adjust pretty quick.

Maybe not so much of a tradition but Balkan people love to hang out and party a lot. They'd celebrate anything and everything. Performer in Nikolai would love that jovial spirit. I can easily imagine him on a traditional balkan wedding, that's quite a spectacle he would enjoy for all 24h it lasts

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