Mistery Mistery · 24d

Can you perhaps change bio on your another account? It’s kind of sensitive for some peeps, to put wild imagination with religion in one sentence. Don’t reply to this, that’s fine, this is just a kind reminder. Have a good day.

Hi, there. Thank you for the thoughtful suggestion. I really appreciate it. I need to elaborate something to straighten out the misunderstanding here. My bio, Religion in your lips, the altar is my hips, is the piece of lyrics from Taylor Swift's song in Lover's album, False God.

Based on the title itself, False God indeed using religious imagery, mentioning false god, saccramental wine, heaven, and hell. And the lyrics in my bio represents the physical touch also the important thing in relationship. It is not the first time to use religion as a poetry and personal expression since she evoked the styles of musician named Prince and Prince did the same thing, to made an ambiguous lyric either the religion or not safe for work. I hope my explanation clearly reaches you.

Nevertheless, I will consider your suggestion and looking forward for another bio recommendation. Thank you once again, sender!

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