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Secret Admirer · 23d

i think one thing i really like about how you wrote a/b/o is that you considered the everyday effects of living with these second genders, treating them like a real medical condition they live with rather than purely animalistic lol 😆 i like also the way you kept their personalities intact rather than default alpha default omega personas. it feels very natural and in character

Thank you!! I worked really hard on that aspect. (I even have a silly pill container for my meds that says "Omega Suppressants" on it just to help me really inhabit the world of the story lmao). I just find the idea of secondary genders so I'm absolutely here for turning the horniness up to 11, but the implications of it for the rest of people's lives are fascinating. My friends make fun of me for overcommitting to Worldbuilding, but it's so much fun to dig into that stuff between sex scenes haha

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