Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Secret Admirer · 23d

About the Omegaverse: fun story - before reading wioney fics I mostly ignored any omegsverse fic simply because it wasn't my type to read. I didn't saw the appeal and I wasn't curious. I knew things since my best friend looves omegaverse fics but thats it.

Then I discovered wrioney, wanted to read every fic possible and started to read them too. While some where still not completely my type, yours is one of those that made me like that trope. Because it showed how natural it can be. I didn't always liked those 'forced roles' but you write it in such a not forceful way that I easily read and loved it. Everyone is still themselves, they work with what they have but dont lose themselves in a non characteristic way. Discovered even that I like this whole trope, just took me time and the right stories to get warm with it 🥰❤️

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