Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Secret Admirer · 18d

This is kind of silly/goofy, but I was just thinking about Scara and Childe having little traditions and games with their children. For example, when I was a child, we had this weird plastic little animal statue that we all (multiple siblings + parents) would hide randomly around the house. If you found it, you would rehide it and let the others know it was rehidden so they could research places and so the previous hider could look again. It was such a treat after a bad day to come home and find this ugly little plastic thing and rehide it. I just like to think that Chiscara could have really silly little games with their family like that.

(this is just 100% indulgent, but it makes me smile so i thought i'd put it in here lol)

That's so sweet 🥺 I can totally see them getting really into that, especially sharing all sorts of cultural games & such with their kids so they just have this really rich set of family traditions.

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