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Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Halo om Damian, apa kabar?? I'm your lil brother. I hope you have a good day and get happiness. I really miss you... (Btw telenya ganti ya???)

Hallo, kabar baik nih. Kalau kamu gimana? I still remember you anyway, jiakh kangen wkwkwk. Thank you for your kind words ya, iya ganti tapi ganti usernamenya aja sih..

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

If time permits, I want to chat again with you, my brother. Well, even if you like ghosting anyway....

Maaf kalau masih suka ghosting :" boleh, chat aja ya kalau mau. Telenya masih sama kok, gak ganti. Semangat yaaa

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Siap Om Damian, jangan lupa cemilannya kalau gua jadi muncul 😁😁😁 cepat sembuh. Tidur siang duluuuu

Okesiappp, makasih yak. Jangan lupa muncul aja pokoknya soalnya gua penasaran abis???? Telenya yang nihiliesm ya. Gua izin ngapusin jawabannya soalnya gak enak sama mutual retro dikira ngespam..

Iver. · 10mo

Kamu lebih sayang aku apa wonyoung?

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Are you setting your eyes on someone, Ian?

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

i hope you smiled today ;) DO IT NOW!!!! yeay>< great! i hope you keep smiling~

Jio · 16 answers · 10mo

Good morning, thanks for still alive, dont forget to drink water 🍭

Good evening, Jio. Thank you for your sweet words, thank you for surviving until today too.

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

lu beneran gak ngecrushin siapa siapa yan? jujurdh

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

kayak aku aja gak sih dami? (pede) boleh gak aku deketin kamu?

Pelan pelan pak supir jangan langsung diulti gini (tremor). Deket as in apa nih? Kalau deket as in temen boleh, kalau lebih dari temen belum siap soalnya. Jadi temenan dulu yaaaaa, don’t be shy to knock my dm.

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Lagi deket sama someone ya Ian?

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

mau lah insert foto pake nanya lagi what is your type, dami?

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

damimi, do you have a crush on someone right now?

Hallo sender, BENTAR KAGET DIKIT BACA INI. Tapi izin jawab ya, I don’t have a crush on anyone right now. Do you want to be the one, perhaps?

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Jangan keseringan bobo pagi, Damiannnnnn.

Jadi terharu diperhatiin.. makasih yaaa non, diusahain gak keseringan bobo pagi. Doain aja ya..,.

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

damian, makannya apa?

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