ghostie 👻 · 17d

some cute wrioney brainrot i have. wrio told his workers to spy on lyney since lyney visiting him for important reason despite all that wrio doesnt trust that fatui, his spy sent him some photos of lyney but all the photo's was him genuinely smiling, or sitting admiring rainbow rose, interacting with childrens he was caught admiring of these photos, admiring lyney and his beauty, (bro forgot wut he was doing xD)

omg anon your brain!!! not wrio developing a little crush on lyney through those candid pictures hfkdjfjd what have you done to yourself wrio??! and then he actually meets lyney and lyney is all smiles and charisma as he thought, but... it all feels a little forced. it's obvious why, when wrio has time to think about it: lyney doesn't know wrio. and more importantly, lyney didn't know he was being watched when wrio's spy took those pictures. this was a side of lyney few, if any, people would ever see. and wrio... wrio wants to see it. for real, for himself, not through spying. and so his quest to woo lyney properly begins ✨

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