ghostie πŸ‘» Β· 16d

Lyney feeding Wriothesley medicine mouth to mouth, he gave him no choice the duke was acting strong/tough even though he have very high fever he nearly fainted! after lyney's done what he have to do wrio completely froze, so many things going in his mind. so Rowan what do you think wrio reaction after all that happen between the two?

wowieee you guys always have such interesting fun ideas!! give me some of your brain cells pls πŸ™πŸ™

honestly with the state he's in, wriothesley probably thinks he's dreaming. he has a fever, wacky hallucinations are not outside the realm of possibilities. like, just imagine it: you have been battling through an illness spike and promptly ignoring you're not feeling well, then your secret crush/frenemy tries to wrestle you into taking a break (which goes way easier than it should have, probably due to the illness thing) and as a cherry on top he KISSES YOU AS A WAY TO MAKE YOU TAKE YOUR MEDICINE. i think wrio would be completely lost for words. every thought just exits his brain and he follows lyney's instructions without complaint, promptly passing out as soon as he's in a decent resting position. lyney has to laugh at his reaction: if it was this easy to make the duke submit to him, he would've done it sooner 😏

i think what happens next depends on what wrioney's relationships is at. did lyney use the medicine kiss as an excuse to do what he's always wanted to do but hadn't dared/found the right moment for? or did he just use the most ridiculous way he could think of to make wriothesley stop resisting? would it be a sort of love confession from lyney? would wrio read it as such? i can imagine wrio waking up after a long sleep and his fever has gone down, wondering if what he vaguely remembers happening was just a dream. would he feel comfortable enough around lyney to bring it up again? and if he does, would lyney acknowledge it? would he confess to his actions or brush them off by telling wrio he must have imagined it? this could have serious consequences to how their relationship develops depending on how they deal with the medicine kiss afterwards. if they end up brushing it off, will it come back to bite them one day? would wrio be upset with lyney for trying to cover it up?would it cause a rift between them? oh, what a delicious scenario you've painted, anon! so many possibilities!!

I'm sorry it took me a while to respond to this but thank you for sharing your awesome ideas and letting me think along πŸ₯°πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

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