ghostie 👻 · 15d

lyney sometimes forget he have to be on guard toward wriosley, now the two on frenemies term, so lately wriosley most of the time trying so hard to avoid lyney's charms/cuteness, he see him smiling softly at him, giving him innocent kitty glares, being caring for him, wrio find lyney off guard is too much for him, so what he do in return is annoying lyney, or making fun of him just so he can see tensed lyney way better dude seeing real lyney is making him feel something

uh oh, looks like someone's starting to catch feeeeelinngggsss~ wrio annoying lyney so he can bicker with him instead of being shaken by lyney lowering his guard around him feels so in character for him lol. like uhm he didn't sign up to seeing lyney soft??? go back to being catty!!

sorry it took a while to get to this and that i don't have more to add, my brain cells are Not functioning today lol. thank you for sharing your ideas with me ❤️❤️

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