ghostie 👻 · 12d

hello!! how do you think wrio getting angry at lyney is like?

hi anon!! i think it really depends on what it is wrio is angry about and how it has to do with lyney. if it's something lyney does that genuinely bothers him, he may try to talk it through with lyney if he feels it's important, if it's something he can fix. if he's just annoyed by something lyney does, or knows that his annoyance is a bit petty or unjustified, he may be snappy with lyney or give him the silent treatment until he's over it or until lyney asks him to spill it (because lyney absolutely does notice when wrio acts differently around him than usual and needs to get to the bottom of it). i think he could become pretty intense if he's angry about something not connected to what lyney does but maybe something that happened to him, for example if lyney got hurt during a mission or he got mistreated one way or another. he'd be working up a fury, getting shouty and looking like he wants to punch something, and it takes a while for lyney to grasp that wrio isn't angry /at him/ for not having handled things better but at the circumstances that put lyney in that situation. i think wrio only gets genuinely angry if there's someone blatantly disregarding his rules or moral code in front of him, or if there's a problem he can't solve. they're completely opposite scenarios where either wrio uses his anger to reinforce his stance, or he loses himself in it a little when he can't direct it /at/ something specifically. i think that's when he turns to boxing to let out the pent-up energy, so he doesn't end up channeling it into the wrong things or getting someone hurt. but as long as lyney and wrio communicate like the adults they are (which might need some work when they just get close lol) there shouldn't be much reason for wrio to get angry at him, and if there /is/ something he's mad about wrio knows to handle that emotion carefully.

i hope i answered your question well enough!! thank you for asking 🥰❤️

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