ghostie 👻 · 10d

Wriothesley purposely trying to be close with lyney for some political reasons, he indeed made a bond with him, lyney fell for him he’s really happy that wrio understands him and accept him of who he really is, until lyney find out the Duke was using him for some different reasons, which made lyney feel completely heartbroken realized he’s also been used by the person who he felt connection with the most, But lyney doesn’t know that wrio every single day of wanting to tell him the truth but he doesn’t know how because he too like the relationship the two have

omg anon your brain!! this is so good holy shit!!! the feelings, the drama, the betrayal!! i would read a book-length fic of this honestly, what a delicious idea. thank you for sharing it with me ❤️ (and I'm sorry for taking so long to respond!! unfortunately illness got me and I'm still recovering 😩😩)

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