ghostie 👻 · 8d

Who are your favorite wrioney writers and artists? Please recommend 🙏

Oooh yay i get to put my mutuals and faves i admire from afar in the spotlight! let's see:
- El twitter ao3 has some BANGER fics, including a very big wrny soulmate AU i have yet to read bc i have zero focus atm. very tasty, very big brain, is big on trans!lyney which is a W for me personally
- Ereana twitter ao3 has a wide variety of wrny, both on ao3 and on twitter where she takes requests once in a while! definitely check her stuff out.
- Alex twitter ao3 wrote a phenomenal fic that is considered pretty much a wrny staple in the community at this point. if you haven't read it yet, you probably should. right now. and he draws as well!
- Cole twitter may not publish things all that much but they cook up some very tasty things from time to time and has some excellent brainrot.
I can't think of more writers off the top of my head but there Are more out there that are worth checking out for sure!

- Dorian twitter has a GORGEOUS style and renders the most delicious R18 wrnys in amazing detail. he puts the transgender beam on max in all their drawings and i love it very much.
- if you want cutesy stuff, look no further than Kanon twitter. take a look at her adorable (sometimes silly) sketches and your heart will be a molten puddle of emotions within seconds. her fully rendered stuff is art style envy-inducing, too.
- Walking the line between sweet and spicy is mako twitter with some excellent sketches and fully rendered works that'll blow your socks off. I'm having big art style envy, at least.
- Cam's twitter wrioneys are THE SHIT. enough said. (even more art style envy)
- Nine twitter makes some WONDERFUL wrnys as well, and is also a very fun person to interact with.
- if you're still looking for spicy wrioneys, you gotta check out Emu twitter. her expressions especially are to die for, i love how she makes characters emote.

i'm gonna leave it at this, i hope i helped you find some new cool stuff!! (and if you happened to already be following these people... you have excellent taste, well done) again, this is just from a quick glance in my following list on twt; there's many more people out there who have made and will make excellent wrny stuff, people who only make things occasionally or aren't as well-known, so keep your eye out for those creators as well!!

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