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ghostie 👻 · 11d

What's your favorite AU? If you have one :)

of course i do!! i might have several, actually. i really enjoy royalty AUs, and magic/superpower AUs, and OH vampire/werewolf (or other supernatural/mythical creatures) AU as well!! i gotta say the AUs i tend to enjoy usually depend on what the source material is like, for example if there's already magic or the plot is super intense i go 👀👀 at AUs that are magic-less and laid back, and vice versa. I'm also fairly open to new/different AUs if the premise sounds interesting or if i trust the writer! (I'm not really an omegaverse person but I've read Some fics that hit pretty well... writer, you know who you are ❤️) i can be easily convinced, haha. but the AUs i mentioned above are ones I'm pretty much always up for!! i actually feel like there's more but these are all i can think of right now hfkdjkfj. thank you for dropping by!! ❤️

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