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anon · 1y

fuckable to least fuckable of the pc men go go go

hmmm ok lemme think… I’m gonna stick with the main 4 to keep it simple
most fuckable is cartman. like you SAW how much he fuckin RAVISHED his wife that man fucks on the daily and then some for suuuuure. he’d treat me right
runner up is kenny. he’s rocking that awesome beard and dad bod and hawaiian shirts out there living his best life before he died. he looks like he’d be adventurous and overall p great in bed. kenny could get it
third is stan. he’s a sad schlub of a man and is probs too depressed to be all that enthusiastic in bed but he looks like he’d give good head and be appreciative to his partner for keeping the loneliness away for a while
least fuckable I am sorry to say is kyle…. don’t get me wrong, I think he aged the most gracefully out of the 4 but he’s so fucking bitter and resentful about everything in pc, arguably more than stan, plus he canonically gets No Bitches and has very little experience so…. idk, I feel like he’d be too caught up in his own thoughts to be present during sex and you’d probs spend a good 20 mins trying to show him how you like getting head before giving up and breaking out a vibe. sorry kyle :(

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