Jadden. · 11 answers · 28d

What are the things you are wishing for these days?

Health, love, wealth, strength, 1 nonilium, a pink chanel bag, g wagon… and.. eum..

There are few things I'm wishing for these days :

  1. For the world to be a better place.
  2. For my beloved ones, I hope they'll always be safe and sound.
  3. For myself, I wish I won't ever lose my sanity.

my heart craves moments of pure happiness, where i can bask in the simple pleasures of life without the weight of worry dragging me down

A much more peaceful life, and always be with the people i love most in this world. <3

Dilimpahi banyak kebahagiaan, selalu dikelilingi oleh hal-hal dan orang-orang baik. ෆෆෆ

I just want to live life without feeling sad, have my work go smoothly, and always come across good people.

What I'm wishing for is always bring more happiness for me and for anyone around me!

A things i can wish for, hmmm wishing to find someone to talk to? Someone who i can share a random talk i guess

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