anonymous person · 6mo

I think we talked a little bit in the server abt this but I’m still hung up on zcl neighbors/pianist au… I saw a post forever ago that said “I lived in an apartment above a pianist once. I used to lay on the floor to feel the vibrations. It was so lovely”

Like omg imagine an au where ch has a sketchy, hectic job and struggles with his various identities and the only time he feels truly at peace is when he hears his downstairs neighbor (zl) playing. zl pours himself into every piece he plays… ch laying on the floor to feel the vibrations on the music he really feels reflects a similar struggle to his own is a small moment of peace for him everyday. He doesn’t know anything about his neighbor though… until one day maybe there’s a storm and the power to the elevator cuts out, leaving him trapped with a handsome stranger that chats about his life while they wait for the power to return. Putting such a beautiful face to such beautiful music just amplifies those feelings 😋

Omg I remember this brainrot!!! Was absolutely in love with the idea btw (I know who you are 👁️👁️ /lh)

Yessss it's so good like ahhhhh Thinking about it makes my mouth water. It would be so fun. Music aus are ngl, hands down the best.

I also think sometimes childe would feel worried if the piano wouldn't play on time once in a while. Likewise for zhongli. He'd be concerned if there wouldn't be a lot of noises coming from above his ceiling. Idk what childe would be doing. Maybe he used to play the violin when he was younger and his downstairs neighbour inspired him to pick it up again. They'd have full on duets or something. Or maybe, childe is just a normal office worker, tired of life. Whenever the piano would play, he'd be like... So relaxed. Probably the only time in the entire day he feels JOY.

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