anonymous person · 1mo

do you think zc would make mashup liyuen/snezhnayan meals? liyuen dumplings with potato soup? taru using chili oil in everything? it would be such a sweet way of sharing their cultures with each other.

OMG THIS IS A GENIUS IDEA !!! Yes they actually would, funny you say this anon because just yesterday I was watching a western and chinese fusion soup recipe.... But I didn't connect the dots with ZCL. Taru's new fav thing - putting chili oil in everything even though he can't handle it much. But it burns so good, he can't stop ! And Zhongli, who.... is starting to enjoy eating bread with almost everything. Even though he won't admit it !!!! I have a silly thought, snezhnayan pancakes with chili oil. I know, it sounds terrible. But I have a feeling these two idiots would love this so much. It's their new fav breakfast. Plus I have an uncle who actually suggested me to eat pancakes with a mango pickle ??? So the combo can't be that bad.

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