anonymous person · 1mo

One thing that makes zcl so appealing to me is them being from two different nations with such strong ties to them, too. It's a great opportunity to have them explore each other's culture and play around with cultural misunderstands and such. What makes this even better is that we have two characters here who would be very interested in learning more and are actually very open minded about other cultures. Sharing and combining their nation's traditional food is the epitome of this for me - I love that! Also, Zhongli teaching Childe how to brew tea the liyuen way. Both of them getting used to and learning to love the taste of the dishes from their loved one! I adore how Childe loves especially spicy food and while I can see him just taking it as a personal challenge, I also really love the idea that Zhongli introduced him to the dishes and he took a genuine liking to them. It reminds him of Zhongli and Liyue now. And maybe Zhongli will never like the seafood dishes but he does take a liking to stuff like pierogi and syrniki. It would be cute if it's a slow change in habit/tastes that they aren't even aware of at first but the people around them notice.

awweeeee that's so cute TT !!! bet!!! it's so gradual that zcl don't notice but the people around them do. and it really warms their heart like "aweee look at these lovebirds." i'm sure they have a LOT of new fav dishes from each other's culture, and will sometimes put a new spin on it and see if it tastes better or the same. like zhongli adds some petals of violetgrass to childe's family borscht, and ask childe if it tastes any different. or childe splashing some firewater into jade parcel's soup base. yknow, simple things! this is so domestic and very very sweet TT ahhhhh.

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