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Angkasa Rayya · 5 answers · 8mo

Are you the type to turn the lights off when you sleep or rather keep the lights on instead?

While I generally prefer to sleep with the lights off, I need my room to be dark but not completely pitch black. A bit of soft light and a peaceful quiet are essential for me to get a good night’s rest. That’s why I have a small lamp on my desk that provides just the right amount of subtle illumination without disturbing my sleep.

Eh nggak ngaruh di gue sebenernya lampu nyala atau mati, kalo udah ngantuk mah ya gue tidur aja… plek. Merem. Bangun-bangun dah pagi.

Aku tipe yang lampunya tetap nyala sih hehe. Soalnya kalau malem suka kebangun, dan kalau dimatiin kan takut :0

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