Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

The Unknowns ❄️ · 12mo

all emojis x2

(🐇) - I have a fear of throwing up and I really like pound cake…just plain no frosting maybe some strawberries that’s it
(💍) Contrary to popular belief I actually don’t really like chocolate. Or cake.
(✨) Some of our Bridgerton fictives carry on the tradition of The Pall Mall Game (iykyk) it gets ruthless…Narnia made us cry when we were younger and also absolutely scared us shitless
(💎) Alice Asylum and TMA :-) -🕳️
(💜) He looooves fashion (we don’t understand fashion at all help) and he sends us things that make him think of us…
(☁️) +

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