anonyanyanya · 8mo

rokuyasu dispatched alone at ikedaya. what's the vibes. go

OHH HEHEHE <3 see i haven't thought much about magoroku since that bitch hurt mine little heart. but methinks if they were dispatched alone at ikedaya RIGHT NOW (in an ideal world where i have magoroku fuckinfffg KANEMOTO) nothing much would happen. SADLY. yasu has no strong opinions on roku, and roku seems to be only mildly curious about yasu. at least thats how it looks from the outside :3c ERM. if this dispatch is like... a sortie... then i thiNK roku might say something abt "let's see how well you guys (ssgm swords) fare in battle", not quite a taunt but sounding like one to yasu. and yasu took the challenge and #SLAYED the enemies like cray zee. like usual. erm i like to think they seem pretty fine but there's like some kind of subtle tension between them?!?!?! mostly from yasu's end?!?!?! but he's not actively annoyed by roku. Yet. this is the vibes. SORRY THIS IS SO UNROMANTIC ONG BUT i've decided to make myself suffer by making these bitches slow burn. god bless

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