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💛 HeartBeats 💙 A Heart Pirates Zine 🏴‍☠️

Half profit/half charity OP fanzine focused on the Heart Pirates crew and their platonic bond 💛💙

Polar Tang
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Anonymous Pirate · 12mo

Hiya! Could we have a production update? Please and thank you!

Hello there,

Our most sincere apologies for the lack of updates and answers.

Please be reassured, production is going well, our socials (Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram) just got updated with more details and pictures, please check them out !

Regarding the shipping, we would rather wait to receive the zine book samples before confirming the new shipping date.

Thank you for your kindness and patience ; we will be doing better for the future updates.

Anonymous Pirate · 11mo

Is there any update on the zine?

Hello there,

Our most sincere apologies for the lack of updates and answers.

Please be reassured, production is going well, our socials (Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram) just got updated with more details and pictures, please check them out !

Regarding the shipping, we would rather wait to receive the zine book samples before confirming the new shipping date.

Thank you for your kindness and patience ; we will be doing better for the future updates.

Anonymous Pirate · 1y

Happy holiday season to you all, and hope you’re dealing with he pressure better than the current Polar Tang! Speaking of which, are there any production updates, or is it a matter of waiting for the items to be returned from the printers? Thank you for your hard work on this.

Hello, thank you for your kind words and happy holiday season to you too ! Apologies for the late answer. We did receive more production updates from our manufacturers, as well as our shipping mod starting receiving some of the merch items shipped to her home, but the holiday season has been a bit busy ; we will update our production thread as soon as possible !!
Have a good day !

Anonymous Pirate · 1y

hello! any production updates? how's everything coming along?

Hello ! We've just received some samples pictures of the merch from our manufacturer, so we're gonna start our production thread on socials this weekend to share how everything is going so far !

Anonymous Pirate · 1y

This is a really dumb question, but I just wanted to be sure. The zine bundles say "1 Physical Zine : 6x9", Perfect bound, 100# Matte Finish paper ", does the 100# mean there's around 100 pages or does it represent something else like the quality of the paper? If that's not the page length, around how many pages is this zine? Sorry for the dumb question, appreciate all the hard work!

Hello, thank you for your interest in the zine ! No question is dumb !
The 100# indeed refers to a specific feature of the paper used for the physical book !
The zine will have more than 120 pages of content, and it's you're interested by our digital-only AU addon, it will featured 70+ pages.

Thank you for your kind words and support !

Anonymous Pirate · 1y

I know it’s really early and it’s a bit of an odd ask, but after preorders are made and you start shipping the zine, from where are they going to be sent from? Because if it’s somewhere other than the US or UK I’m probably not going to be able to order a physical zine, and I want to know if I should bother to save up or not. Thanks!

Hello, thank you for you interest in the zine !
This is not odd at all ! We will be shipping the zines and merch from the US.

Anonymous Pirate · 1y

If there is reasonable suspicion that there is a contributor using AI for their writing, how should it be reported? Or it AI usage to some degree allowed in the zine??

Hello ! As stated in our guidelines, the use of AI is strictly prohibited. Our Writing Mods have checked the current works from our writers, and don't think that any contributor used AI for their works within the zine. However, to be cautious, we would like to hear more about your suspicions ; please feel free to reach out to us through Twitter or Tumblr dms !

Anonymous Pirate · 2y

will there be aftersales? it's not included in the card's schedule

Hello, thank you for your interest in the zine !

It is still too early for us to determine if there will be aftersales for HeartBeats, as it depends on many factors ! But we will be making an announcement on all our social medias if aftersales are going to happen !

Anonymous Pirate · 2y

Bouncing off of that last question, I would also like to know how the overall selection process was done for merch artists and page artists. Everyone chosen I know will do a fantastic job, but I’m seeing lots of people who did not get accepted who have loads of experience and amazing content. I’m just curious on what exactly you were looking for as I can feel lots of disappointment all around. Hoping this can help give clarification and maybe some ideas for the next time people apply to a zine 🙂

Anonymous Pirate · 2y
Anonymous Pirate · 2y

Out of curiosity, how many applications did you receive?

Anonymous Pirate · 2y

I know they’re not closed yet, but do you know the timeframe for when we’ll hear back about the contributor applications?

Hello ! The emails results for the contributor applications will be sent on March 5th !
Best of luck with your application 💛💙

Anonymous Pirate · 2y

What is the mod team thinking might be an approximate word count for the modern AU add on for writers?

Hello, thank you for your interest in the zine !
For the digital modern AU add on, we are thinking of allowing writers to create either 1 fic between 1,5k and 3k words, or 2 fics with a total of 1,5k to 3k words for both (so from 750 to 1,5k per piece), choice up to them.
We might allow more words, but it will depend on the applications.

Anonymous Pirate · 2y

Hello! I have a question about your finance/production mod. Can you tell us more about her experience? I only see her ao3 linked with no mention of the zines she's worked on, despite mentioning that she has some experience in this with other zines.

Anonymous Pirate · 2y

So does that mean the 7 writers will all be in the main zine, with some also participating in the digital modern au, or will only SOME of those 7 writers participate in the main zine, with some participating exclusively on the digital add-on?

Hello, thank you for your interest in the zine !
It means that all the 7 writers will be featured in the main zine for sure, and only if they want, they can also create a piece for the digital add on too !

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