Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Pirate · 2y

Congrats on selecting your team, always a tough job! I was curious about the process for selecting the writers. It was always going to be tough with so few positions available. Two of the selected writers have extensive Hearts writing experience, which is great, and another has some. All writers are very good writers, but some don't seem to have much by the way of Hearts fiction publicly. I know that good writing trumps experience, but was writers having experience writing Hearts fiction only a small factor in selecting writers, even though it was stipulated that writers should be able to write the Hearts in a variety of scenarios? I know that not all the artists are known for being Hearts artists, either. However, the writer selection process didn't seem as transparent. Even so, I know it's a super tough job, and that all writers love their craft, so I wish them and the zine the best, but would be interested in the ultimate deciding factors/selection criteria for the writers. Thank you.

Hello, thank you for your interest in the zine and your supportive words !

As stated in our guidelines "Heart Pirates and/or One Piece works are appreciated but not required" for any role.
Regarding the writers, just like the artists, the only criterias that had been taken into account in the mod team reviews are the technical abilities, such as :
- Telling an engaging and complete story within a limited word count
- General writing skills (correct grammar, spelling, use of English vocabulary, punctuation...)
- A good sense of characterizarion, pacing, dialogue and narration
- The ability to emotionally involve the reader
+ The respect of the wordcounts and samples rules stated in the guidelines.

Whether the samples were Heart Pirates related or not did not affect the reviews.

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