Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Sticker Enjoyer · 7mo

1. I wanted to know, when we submit our stickers, will we still be able to use them (the stickers we drew) for our own use (promoting/selling it as stickers for ourselves) or is it only for this project?
2. Also, does a sticker sheet (character specific, ex. a Nami sticker sheet) count as multiple stickers or will it be considered as 1 sticker for the 5 total stickers we can draw?
Thank you so much!

1. Yes, artists will be own/ be able to use their sticker designs beyond this project. We just ask that you refrain from using your designs until after the project concludes.
2. Yes, a sticker sheet would count as multiple designs. However, sticker sheets included in this project will be very limited, so we may ask you to focus on die-cut stickers instead!

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