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Anonymous · 7mo

Any updated ETA for the game's demo release? This looks promising and can't wait to try it out!

Anywhere from March to June, just hopefully within the first half of 2024. I'm planning to put more time into it for the remainder of the year and even more next year to get a demo out.

Anonymous · 8mo

What's the biggest you plan to let the main character grow?

During gameplay, ie whenever sprites are needed, her maximum weight will be a tad smaller than the "big" sizes that I normally draw. But in bad ending scenes she can get bigger.

Anonymous · 8mo

how long have you been working on this game?

Anonymous · 12mo

Have you thought about making animations or adding some to the game?

I've thought about it. It seems fun but also very tedious.
I might do some very simple animations for the game, but nothing too complicated or pervasive.

Anonymous · 12mo

What drew (ha) you to drawing fat art as compared to more traditional characters? Curious to hear about the interest in Guro as well.

I like it. It's also easy to appeal to a niche, and it makes me money.
Guro is fun. I see it as something more romantic rather than fetishistic.

Anonymous · 12mo

Have you ever thought of making a comic?

Anonymous · 1y

Would it be possible to finish a play through without any of the cast gaining weight?

Anonymous · 1y

What would you say is the cutest thing you have drawn?

Anonymous · 1y

Is this game still on track to be released near the end of this month, or do you think it’s going to be next month? I hope that’s okay to ask.

Nope, not anymore. There were some major changes to the game recently. That estimate was before the map traversal update, encumbrance, new checks, and some other planned stuff. Also have a lot of drawing work this month but for July and August gamedev will be the highest priority. So I'm thinking sometime in September.

Anonymous · 1y

Is encumbrance going to change/lower with more weight or specific kinds of expansion?

Currently it is attached to the Strength attribute, but being overweight will affect it.

Anonymous · 1y

Are you going to make a post on the weight gaming forum about your game

Anonymous · 1y

If Lilya is able to escape the Land of Dreams, does whatever she incurred there remain attached to her? (Like weight gain, being more susceptible to hypnosis or slime shenanigans, etc.)

Anonymous · 1y

Hi, love your work. What drawing tablet do you use?

Anonymous · 1y

Will the final game's assets/sprites be in colour or black-and-white?

Some stuff is black and white. Like shades and a couple of enemy types. Backgrounds will probably all be black and white too. However humans, for instance, will be drawn in color in the end.

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