Anonymous Oumoter · 6mo

I understand that with most zines, you can apply for multiple spots but you will only receive one. I think that makes a lot of sense for art, however I'm interested in applying as both a Writer and a Cosplayer, so I'd like to know ahead of time if I could only receive one role! (ALSO COSPLAY IN A ZINE IS SO COOL HOLY COW!!)

Hi there, as we stated in our FAQ, while you can apply for as many roles as you'd like we will typically only accept you into one position. However, in the specific case of writing and cosplay, we could potentially discuss you contributing a cosplay as a visual accompaniment to a fic, in place of spot illustrations, if that makes sense. We expect to receive a significantly smaller amount of cosplay applications versus other apps, so it's possible that you wouldn't be taking any slots away even if you did take both roles. (This would of course be in the event that your application is on par with what we visualise for our project.) So the answer is a solid maybe, and something that you can be in discussion with Mod Cael (our cosplay mod) and Mod Toxic (our writing mod) about if you get accepted. I hope this helps!

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