anonymouse · 1mo

Hello, at Perfect for You chapter 2 theres this excerpt:

“I want—you. What you said. And—what you said last time, too.”

“Last time?”

“When you were—leaving.”

Hyunjin cocks his head, idly toying with Chan’s tip as he thinks back. He’s been embarrassed about those closing remarks; they had been so melodramatic—a pantomime of a prostitute. Ridiculous. But evidently, it had cut Chan deep. Perfect.

I went back to chapter 1 to read through it again but I couldn't catch what they are referring to, would you be willing to share here? big fan of the fic (this is my nth reread or so)

hehehee gladly!!! they’re talking about when hyunjin said: “I can make you feel so wanted. I can make you feel so treasured. I can make you feel so needed.”

thank you so much for reading multiple times, that means a lot :’))))

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