anonymouse · 23d

hello, i hope this retro spring message finds u well. i remember you recommended a kazakh group(called alpha, i think the song was dopamine) a gazillion years ago on twt and since then i’ve rlly loved that group. do you have any other obscure music recs? if not, or in addition, what’s your favorite song these days?

omg hi im so touched and flattered by this question!!!! thank u for checking them out! my other fav kazakh group is called ninety one, their music is amaaaaazing as well and def worth checking out :’))

as for other music you may not have heard of yet— - this nigerian song i fell in love w in an uber - spooky, creepy, very sexy and catchy - ugh i love this band they’re like fall out boy’s evil nephews - amazing song such a groove
and its a totally different genre and not that obscure but lately ive been really into bring me the horizons new album :)

thank u so much again for asking!!!! i hope u enjoy some of these!!!! :D

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