Anonymous Coward · 5y

Your videos are okay bt, are you some sort of sjw libtard?

I had to google what libtard meant, but I mean, I guess?

There's a lot of things that folks consider to be SJW that I agree with (that language is a formative component, that racism is different from discrimination in some aspects, that freedom of speech has some problems that we have to consider, etc.), but I've never identified as an SJW. Of course, I think most people whom are pejoratively labelled as SJWs aren't really self-identifying as SJWs. I do consider myself a feminist, though, which I've heard is essentially the equivalent of being an SJW.

I think I lean left? I'm not entirely sure, mainly because I never really evaluated my political views on that spectrum. I focus specifically on one issue at a time and go from there, instead of letting grand narrative dictate my views.

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