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Oh! Haha, nobody actually endorses those sentiments, it's just shitty jokes on a shitty twitter account.

PolandHut · 5y

Why is your scanlation group's twitter page filled with MAGA and Israel jokes? Do you really want to be associated with this garbage?

Astralius · 5y

As an amateur anime Youtuber, I was wondering if I could ask for your assistance regarding copyright claims. The current situation is most confounding:

Have you tried just contesting it? I'm not sure how much footage you use, but usually keeping it to 5-7 seconds and shorter tends to evade content ID automatically catching it.

Anonymous Coward · 5y

Thoughts on your country?

Canada's alright, though it seems to be a breeding ground for ethnic nationalist Youtubers.

Anonymous Coward · 5y

Joe, What you think of Crash Course and their videos?

I haven't watched a Crash Course video in years, my memory isn't good enough to remember my experience of it.

Anonymous Coward · 5y

sigh There are two kinds of left: libertarian and libtard cucks. I was trying to give you an exit option with the libertarian question too. Enjoy your virginity.

Anonymous Coward · 5y

Why you study media?

Anonymous Coward · 5y

What's your favorite content to watch on youtube?

I mainly just watch 'How-to' videos like 'How to peel a mango' or 'How to replace a watch battery'. That's probably the closest to a 'favourite'. I don't really have a channel I always watch or am always excited to watch.

Anonymous Coward · 5y

Thougths on Kurzgesagt?

I don't know much about the topics they cover, so I can't really say whether their information is good or not. I do like their birds.

Anonymous Coward · 5y

Do you think BBTAG will go on 75% sale next big steam sale?
If it does I'm buying it and you're gonna go straight into my cringe comp fam

Anonymous Coward · 5y

Your videos are okay bt, are you some sort of sjw libtard?

Anonymous Coward · 5y

Thougths on nisekoi?

I'd love to see a hardcore Lacanian give their take on it, cause it feels really, really Lacanian (“There is no sexual relation,” Zawsze in love as petit objet A, etc.)

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