
Weirdo, grandpa/grandson enjoyer, creative mind

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Eaten by Peach 🍑 · 4d

What would happen if Beth walked in on Rick sprawled on the sofa, using Jerry as a human footstool?

Ahehehehe 🤭 I'd love the idea of beth just walking in, staring at Rick then Jerry and then walking away from them without saying anything
She'd prolly question why but I doubt she'd do anything about it
😩 ugh now I want this to happen

Eaten by Peach 🍑 · 9d

Did you touch da grass Peachi? Was it soft? Why did you touch it Peachi, huh why ya touchin da gwass

pfftttttt i did go touch grass. it was warm and v green. i also played with some turtles :3c
teeheeehee I needed to step away from all the dadson I've been writing :333333 I'm excited to finish and share with u guyssssss <3 <3

Eaten by Peach 🍑 · 10d

In smut fic, should the younger/smaller/cuter guy always be the bottom? And what do you think of fics that have him topping?

I do like the younger/smaller guy as the bottom, but sometimes there are exceptions. fuefue since I am small myself and like to be dominated I like to read fics where the smaller one is the bottom most of the time 🥴

I feel the exception where the smaller/younger person is the one topping is if the taller/older has such a soft side that they're just subby by nature. (not the best example but yoonbum and sangwoo from KS, sangwoo is younger but obvi more dominating and taller) I think it really would just depend on the dynamic of the characters?

Eaten by Peach 🍑 · 10d

Why are you attracted to such icky nasty men, hmmmmmm???? ANSWER THE QUESTION PEACHI, NOW RIGHT NOW

Eaten by Peach 🍑 · 10d

EEWWWWW DADSON SHIPPER!!!!!! kisses you keep it up champ ;3

Eaten by Peach 🍑 · 10d

Choose a novel/fantasy world to live in except you're the villain of the story.

Ahhh hmmm, I don't read many actual novels; mostly manga so,,, teehee I'm thinking I could be the villain in Konosuba (that counts, right?? 😭) ((also really amazing comedy series, 100000/10))

Eaten by Peach 🍑 · 10d

How is peachy doing?

👁👄👁 peachy is doing fine, totally not tied up in my basement or anything aheheh why would you think such a thing

yokisan · 11d

Could you please look up Ultraman the next on youtube and watch part time stamp 27:00 until 28:28? I wanna know your analysis/reaction of that scene and tell me what happen. I'm dying to get answers for this cus im bored. (give a long detailed answer if can)

Eaten by Peach 🍑 · 11d

Which one do you prefer? D!JerryxMorty or JerryxMorty? And what do you like about each ship? 🤔

Hnnnnnn 🥴🤤 I think I lean more toward djer×morty because I just like the ickiness djer has. He's like Rick, but more? If that makes any sense? A Jerry with Rick level potential 😩🤌 gimme him now
And I like jerry×morty because it relies more on morty being manipulated through jerrrys pathetic being. So heavy heavy heavy emotional crutch ((totally not projecting my own trauma WHOOPS))

Queenie · 1mo

So, do you have a NOTP? Or are you pretty neutral on ships? (It can be from any fandom.)

I am pretty neutral on ships! Honestly I don't think there's any ship I truly dislike. If I don't like it then I just pretend it isn't there 🤣

EDIT: Actually, I do have a notp for this fandom! Its Rick/the president - I know they got a pretty heavy bromance going on but I see no chemistry here 😭

Queenie · 15d

Hoping on what someone asked before but this time asking who’s on your dream writing collab list of people who write fanfics? (in the Rick and Morty fandom).

Actually, I don't think there is anyone I'm wishing to collab together :/ heheh I guess maybe I'm a bit bias on that bc I was burned on collab writing with someone (you know who you are)

Eaten by Peach 🍑 · 15d

What three tracks would definitely be on a mix tape of your life?

I can't even stick to a song for a few weeks and you want me to think of some that define my life?? 😩 lordy lordy I guess I can try

Def would have The Last Goodbye by Markiplier (and the Gregory brothers)
Heat Waves by Glass Animals
Half My Heart by grandson

Eaten by Peach 🍑 · 17d

do YOU know whats wrong with u? i hope you feel better :((

Man I wish I had just keeled over 😭 now I gotta pay medical bills FUCK

I don't even have insurance rn, but like, doctors ruled out any deadly factors so I'm not gonna die or have anything wrong with me in that sense.
I got up and my chest started hurting so bad I had to call my friend to take me to the er. 😭

Eaten by Peach 🍑 · 17d

Can't remember if I've asked already but do you have any ocs?

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