⚪️ · 2mo

i'm so interested in your process for writing rabbit hole. you mentioned in the ending that you weren't sure in the beginning whether sh would be the stalker or not. when did you decide that he wouldn't be? what other directions could you imagine the fic could have taken?

it was around chapter 5 which does seem extremely early given how long the fic was but at the time that was supposed to be the midpoint of it 😭
i struggled a lot around that chapter because i truly didn't know where to go with the fic. i find stalking to be hard to write because most places where the story can go are pretty predictable, and it wasn't interesting to me to write them. so like, if seonghwa was the stalker it would have to be either he kidnaps/kills hongjoong, they get into a situation where hongjoong kills him, or police gets involved an all of these felt unsatisfactory. then i brainstormed with a friend SO MUCH and we got to hongjoong finding seonghwa's pictures and threatening him, and that gave a pretty good leeway to turn the story around
and then when i decided that seonghwa wasn't the stalker i had to decide what to do with the actual stalker and the options were much the same. i enjoy the way it turned out, where police gets involved but it's not a definitive answer to the problem, at the same time that the story shifts to focus on other aspects of hongjoong's life and not this person who caused so much harm anymore

thank you for this question btw!!! i love having the opportunity to talk more about the writing process an ideas :3

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