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unhinged character study safe space
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⚪️ · 2h

It's pretty obvious why people engage with content the way that they do, you just don't like their answer. Now you're hellbent on forcing them to think about it until they get to the same conclusions you do. And choose to shame people to get to that conclusion. But you refuse to look inward on why you do that. When people are just living their lives, creating content in their free time based on a number of things from fetish to their personal lens to their lived experiences to their trauma.

⚪️ · 19h
⚪️ · 12h
⚪️ · 8h

“if your biggest source of entertainment and largest chunk of your reading is "not that serious" then what is?” oh you hit the nail on the head with that one. your answers are worded so well and im glad someone so well articulated is opening these discussions, i feel like ur taking the thoughts right out of my brain. (if it matters, this is coming from a closeted demigirl who very much prefers indulging in mostly bttmhj content😭)

tysm 🙇 i'm glad the discussion is being enjoyable/enriching!
also! it's nice seeing such a big spectrum of people chiming in 🥰

⚪️ · 9h

it's SO boring and lazy and for make up i don't really know, but for clothes IT'S SO FUCKING CHEAP most of the time when they're wearing things that are custom made 😣 the stylist is so untalented and uninspired. like for fever pt2 she basically ripped off a louis vuitton collection (the group looks for the garden shoot, when hj was wearing the blue jumpsuit) and didn't even put her own spin on it and this basically sums up her MO for everything

i'm always here to listen to yaps against their styling team so feel very free 🫡

⚪️ · 1d

Well, actually? I'm not sure yet if fem mctz are my very main preference bc that takes you out a bit if irl matz which that they said at least, identify as males, and I stanned them knowing that(either way their gender was not the reason I did lol but well) and I like fiction close to reality presented too so there is that. Tho minimum is still one of faves! Specifically talking about fem mctz art rather than fics maybe?
But for sure I can say my prerence is them looking and acting in any feminine way!☝️

⚪️ · 1d

i got u!! :] i'm sure no one took it the wrong way! just something you wish was explored more 💕

⚪️ · 1d

i feel like people also feel comfortable "joking" abt hwc's masculinity bc they see it as a predominantly "stage" thing? so therefore, to them it's just a performance and he "isn't actually like that". it's odd bc not only is that not true, but like you pointed out a few days ago, hcngjccng is also different off-stage 😭 "oh hwc is different off-stage so that's what i'll reference when i write him. omg look at hcngjccng here, isn't he so dom [video of him on stage]" it just cracks me up sometimes

i can't find a way to reply to this without getting myself in major trouble so i'm gonna sum it up as: i agree with you (though i think there are additional reasons why people feel comfortable making those jokes) 🏃

⚪️ · 1d

it's lovely to hear writing fem mctz helped you realize that!!

yesss i tend to favor what they show offstage to build their characters because on stage they're, well, characters (ofc there's the whole discussion of persona that they never put down entirely in front of cameras BUT it's definitely closer to their day to day selves than the one that barks on stage and slashes krakens)

⚪️ · 1d

my resistance in putting my favored dynamic in my bio comes precisely from the fact that i'm fine with everything so long it resembles the person so yeah we're on the same boat with that one but it does make us drift towards Some Dynamics more

⚪️ · 1d
⚪️ · 2d

there are definitely more artists popping up with fun and fresh visions of seongjoong which is so wonderful to see 🥺 by the second half of last year i'm really seeing more variety popping up though we're still far from balance (and will probably not reach it, but that's fine!). surely the trend will continue for 2025! 💕💕

⚪️ · 2d
⚪️ · 2d
⚪️ · 2d

i remember seeing ppl say "if you see some queer couples as heteronormative idk maybe that's a YOU issue" and i was like ??? mate i don't think that's how it works LMFAO

i was mauling this over in my head yesterday and here's the conclusion i came to:
YES, the claim that queer couples can't be heteronormative makes sense!! but that applies to REAL LIFE couples, just like real people can't queerbait
in fiction, where so much of what we do is projecting, and we can project harmful stereotypes and can literally bend the characters any which way (including..bending a mlm ship into a cishet couple) that is simply not true

it's so easy to say "if you have a problem with this that's a YOU problem 💕" like ok? give me the arguments please?

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