⚪️ · 1mo

hi! :3 What's your editing processes like for your works (choose what to add and what to remove)? another question would be, how do you get over writers block? anyway, love your works and way with words 🫶

my editing process usually consists of reading the chapter/work over and highlighting the parts that i can improve, and i basically use two different colors: one is for the thoughts that feel a little dry and i can expand on, and another is for what needs to be entirely reworded (because it was confusing, or because something changed on the work and that one thing doesn't need to happen anymore, etc), and i also add little notes of things i need to add or reconsider, and then i go through the work a second time to fix these things (i usually do this process 1-3 times depending on the work, it is psychotic and nobody needs to be doing it this much)

the tips i have for getting over writer's block are sort of unhelpful because they're the following: i either keep writing consistently even when all the output is bad until one day it disappears, or i stop writing for a few days. things that help me get a creative boost again and make me excited to go back to writing usually involve interacting with other medias, watching movies, playing games, etc. it's like you need to give your brain space to refresh and get new perspectives, but i prefer to not get too distant from writing

thank u so muchhh 🥺🥺

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