⚪️ · 23d

envisioning! eg the RT with bound hands jccng. im new to the vision and trying to expand my worldview 🫶

so many possibilities 😞
secnghwc tying him up to the bedpost and pulling out so many toys to edge hcngjccng for a few hours. it's more of an exploration thing at first because they wanna see which things hongjoong reacts to the most (vibration, temperature play, some light pain play) and as hongjoong grows more desperate seonghwa slows down to take his time, using the toys hongjoong responded to the most and taking long breaks after hongjoong announces he's close to coming and he's so sensitive he's sent over the edge with barely two strokes while seonghwa is fucking him but seonghwa keeps going and fucking hongjoong into overstimulation until he's finished himself ✌️

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