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Hi, a different anon here. Thank you for the interesting discussion to read.
I’m a hj biased fem bi and he’s my bias exactly because I associate myself with him.
I think we have quite similar personalities and he’s a great source of inspiration for me in different areas (starting from fashion (I literally bought a few half-skirts bc of him, I hadn’t thought about such a combination until saw it on him; it was also a moment I realised that I did enjoy some more masc looks on me as well) and finishing with some work-related stuff). And yes, I can be a cute babygirl, so does hj, at the same time, I can be really assertive whether it is needed, so does hj.
And yeah, I’m mostly btm hj enthusiast. I’m also cool with top hj but ONLY if he’s not OOC.

I just do not understand how a lot of people do not see those both sides of hj. Similar to hwa… They BOTH speak about genderless fashion and yet they have been assigned to some strict specific roles in a lot of cases…

my resistance in putting my favored dynamic in my bio comes precisely from the fact that i'm fine with everything so long it resembles the person so yeah we're on the same boat with that one but it does make us drift towards Some Dynamics more

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