Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

KEL(SEY) / ZUKA · 8 answers · 10mo

no way i just saw someone on rs who thinks misandry is real

with YOUR help we can make it real! yes! ucan help us make the world a better place!

Someone get me a gallon of bleach and a wine bottle I do not CAAARE if I'm nowhere near the legal age to drink I need something to kill myself with because of whatever the fuck I just read on their accounts.💀💀💀
Saying women aren't oppressed during WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH is absolutely insane as well.

and that women arent oppressed. like ok... saying that during womens history month is so fuckng crazy. 😭 the entirety of the mental health field disproves the 'women arent oppressed' argument

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