Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Don’t reapond this publicly,, do you take offers on /juno,
Reposting my resource rentry as I just recently finished a massive retheme + added new things to every section ^_^ The pixels section I'm currently working onー so bare with me!
QOTD; What's something you're looking forwards to doing in the summer? ^_^
NEW ZELDA GAME ANNOUNCED THEY HIT MY PENTAGON THIS IS MY 9/11 Hi Retrospring here’s my Recent drawing shit cuz my art block sucks…. Should I be studying? Yea but idgaf I’m drawing that cunty jjk guy and I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem
What do you all think to the idea that any URLs containing underscores _ can never be claimed? Some people might want to not worry about the claim rules and by having a slightly less sought after URL, this could be a nice solution.
I don't normally use the all ask feature but I just wanted to share that I've made a resource rentry! If there's anything you'd like to contribute to add me on discord; @cqye
Do you use the 12 hour clock or the 24 hour clock?
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