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BOMG Client · 6mo

Radio host story #3 part 1

On our 13th month together he couldnt take it anymore and broke up with me. The loser in me begged, and begged, and begged for 3 months straight to get back together even when he said he was not ready.

I asked him everyday if he is in love with me again or not and eventually he said I was pushing it.

Then within those 3 months I grew close with someone and after he knew I might end up with him, it only took him 1 month to get me back on my knees for him

Sorry for my late reply, sender-nim! Wow, I think there's something wrong with him. He didn't want you when you were begging for his love, then came back when he knew he couldn't have you any more? You shouldn't come back for him PLEASE SENDER-NIM. I need a happy ending with you and that new person or just anyone that doesn't make you beg for his love. I think you need to RUN from him because this sounds like something that will happen again in the future...

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