Queen Megan👑 · 2 answers · 4y

So I added a group just to see how that works

Hello, staff person here, and I guess a good time to elaborate on the group feature.

First and foremost, the feature is not really new, it's probably one of the first things we added to the site like 5 years ago, but...as you can see, we made a really bad job "advertising" its existence, until now.

Groups are nothing like...Facebook groups, and they actually are more comparable to "personal lists", which serve two purposes at the moment:
* You can view groups as feeds on the main page. This basically puts all answers of people of that group into a timeline.
* You can ask every person you put into a group a question. In the place where you can ask followers a question, you now get the option to select a group to ask a question to.

So, in general, this isn't the most useful feature there is, and especially the second point is a bit questionable in the way of "consenting" to receiving questions, and we'll probably rethink that.

With how we handled things back then, a lot of our ideas only got halfway implemented, same for the group feature. For now, we'll see how people use it, and if it gets misused, we'll adjust and remove things accordingly.

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