Anonymous Coward · 1y

my personal favourite flavour of sevngsvng is when sevngmn is clueless to romantic advances or attraction because he’s so used to jisvng’s affection since svng gives it out like candy on halloween. sevngmn being so used to just going along with jisvng’s antics because he thinks he’s just “another one of the boys” to him while desperately trying to choke out and silence his own crush on jisvng because he’d rather have svng there as his bestie forever than his lover for Not-ever. (headcanon sevngmn as demi here but that’s also me projecting) sevngmn being a secret hopeless romantic but also trying to remain realistic and calm on the surface because jesus christ jisvng is holding his hand and stroking a coarse thumb over his skin in an attempt to calm him down because surely he’s beet red by now and svng can see the sweat starting to from around his hairline and fuck fcuk fuck okay jisvng just asked him if he’s okay FUCK NO he’s not okay he has a crush on his best friend and would very much like to be kissed silly and go out on dates and take a midnight walk and maybe— sevngmn derails his thoughts by thinking of how badly imie would tease him if he found out how much he likes jisvng. it works. sevngmn may be a cute and punchable little nerd with a poor read on social cues who’s got a thing for himbos but he does have /some/ dignity. not much dignity, for sure, but he’s clawing onto what he has left.

and then jisvng getting progressively more dramatic with his expressions of love that it’s almost cartoonish how flustered both of them get after all of it. jisvng trying to do the laundry in their dorm room for once, even though he has never touched a tide pod in his LIFE living in a dorm with sevngmn (“it’s just one load— how bad can it be?” somehow, even though it’s filled with soap and water, the machine is smoking. sevngmn and jisvng are both soaking wet and covered in suds from trying to salvage the damn thing.). jisvng trying to make dinner for the two, served under candlelight with fruitopia. (wine is nice but if jisvng got more than two glasses in him, he’s sure sevngmn and him would wake up having eloped. not a bad idea, but definitely a bad start to their relationship.)

but also the little things flustering both of them— the little bits that made them fall for each other in the first place. jisvng carrying sevngmn to His Own Bed when sevngmn falls asleep at the dinner table studying, making sure to change sevng into His Clothes for bed. sevngmn dragging jisvng out to little adventure around the city with him, humming softly and relaxing when jisvng rests a head on his shoulder during their commute on the train.

god yeah im delusional but what’s new

tldr lol im so sorry; himbo jisvng being increasingly more dramatic with his indirect professions of love for sevngmn with sevngmn trying to tamper down his own feelings for svng because he cant believe that his best friend would ever love him back

(1) hi, if you're still here at all i'm answering these asks now as i'm unsure how much longer i'll be using rs and i don't want to keep them from u if you need them. sorry i was never able to reply to these properly :(

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