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the bikira radio show made my dog gay
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Anonymous Coward · 11mo

did u also see that sevngmn said chngbn is too big to swallow

Anonymous Coward · 1y
Anonymous Coward · 1y
Anonymous Coward · 1y

(1) hi, if you're still here at all i'm answering these asks now as i'm unsure how much longer i'll be using rs and i don't want to keep them from u if you need them. sorry i was never able to reply to these properly :(

Anonymous Coward · 1y

if ksm not edible, then why look so chewable?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

I’m sorry I just learned the search thing has to be all lowercase 🫠 pls ignore me byeee

Anonymous Coward · 1y

im in a constant state of wanting ao3 to implement a ‘main pairing’ section in their tags because the amount of times i’ve searched for sevngship content using most kudos-ed or hits in tags like sevngimie or cute ksm, and found non-sevngmn-centric fics at the top because authors tag the slightest mention of past/hinted/unrequited/minor sevngships that have no bearing on their plot whatsoever

I KNOW!!!! you could try adding "otp: true" in the search within results box, but then you risk losing the rare fics that are Actual sevngship content that also just so happen to have minor/background ships in the fic+tags :( but yeah it really sucks just wanting to find fics for certain ships and having to parse through all the fics that most likely just have small mentions of said ship in the first place...

i think not enough people use the minor/background relationships tag and it really sucks because it'd make things much easier to sort through imo

Anonymous Coward · 1y

you are my favorite sevngmn-centric shipping account I hope you are always well vee!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

people coming for you about shipping sevngbin when you're a whole SEVNGSUNGER. they have to catch up about you not caring about reality at all

HELP i cannot tell if this is meant to be mean or not but i do agree that as a sevngbnsvnger i could not give a shit about reality whatsoever!!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

i love sevngsvng theyre like my little beloved disease

honestly i could not have said it better myself. your feelings are just like mine

Anonymous Coward · 1y

i randomly woke up to the notification of that anon and I misread what they said to "how do sevngsvngers feel knowing theyre in love and live with hyvnjn" and was like "haha we feel good.." and went right back to sleep

Anonymous Coward · 1y

ty for being a beacon of sngbn and sevngsng on my tl, i love them all so much and i love that you love them too!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

people in your replies acting like how changbin acts with any other member even compares to how he simps for hyunjin lol... whatever you use to cope i guess

Anonymous Coward · 1y

heyyy dyk any sevngbn?/sngbn? accounts in stayville? i like their dynamics a lot but i rarely see people talking about them on my tl thanks!

hi! unfortunately i don't know too many but here are a few i think are worth following :)

kuro @ dulcetfairytale
lune @ binegarnsalt
@ mungchongsu
@ seungbinsource
@ s_puppym

Anonymous Coward · 1y

anon sending that on the sevngbn date day we have to be embarrassed for them

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