Anonymous Coward · 1y

haha lol nvm im delusional and im back anyway here’s a quicker one

idol rapper han jisvng and his non-idol university student lover kim sevngmn. childhood friends turned lovers muah ideal dynamic

sevngmn’s university friends trying to find sevngmn a guy to date because he’s to cute to be single, only for sevngmn to turn them down each time. he reveals that he turns them down because he already has a boyfriend he’s been with since they were 14, which already sounds preposterous. imagine how much more fake it sounds when sevngmn reveals that his boyfriend dyes his hair frequently, has different eye colours depending on his outfit or concepts for the day, has piercings and paints his nails, and is buff and rich. needless to say, sevngmn‘s friends all call him crazy and continue to set him up with campus boys. sevngmn of course cant exactly spill that his bf is Han Jisvng of all people, so he deals with the teasing and bachelors with an awkward smile. eventually, sevngmn‘s uni friends insist
on meeting his Creature sevngmn calls his boyfriend, and somehow jisvng is picking sevngmn up from their university hall in the latest car, strolling up the sidewalks catching people’s attention like any renowned idol rapper would. sevng calling his name and running into his arms, throwing a subtle bird to his friends while locking lips with the man of his dreams.

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