Anonymous Coward · 1y

i was here earlier at some point to talk about sevng hearth and sevngsvng and I’M BACK WITH MORE BRAINROT i’m so sorry user vee plantksm but haha anyway-

i’ve been thinking a lot lately about village doctor ksm, a lovely man working a quaint and lovely apothecary. handsome, kind, gentle, and well-established in his village, people wonder why he’s still single when there are literally Crowds of people looking to date him. but sevngmin claims he’s dedicated to his craft and that he’d rather help others. (an answer that has more people swooning then backing off, really)

sevngmn walking through the “dangerous” forest along the outskirts where the devious fae are said to lie looking for his weekly restock of herbs. he never takes more than needed, always tending to the wildlife around him with as much care as his patients. his thoughtfulness doesnt go unnoticed by the more powerful fae of the forest though, whom decide to approach him in their animal forms (though nervous to interact with a human). sevngmn, ever oblivious, tends to the creature(s) with the same gentleness as usual, speaking in a soft voice, humming to calm the seemingly jumpy animal(s). i personally do not know Who to envision in this delusion of mine, but hey. That’s What Me Saying It Here Is For!

anyway, i dont have much more to say on this bc i just kinda love the idea of kind botanist sevngmin unknowingly charming the powerful fae of the forest just by being his gentle self. do the fae ever approach him in their normal fae forms? does sevngmin ever notice the flora and the fauna bowing slightly in his presence? do they take on a human appearance and integrate into the village with the hopes of wooing him, only to find the crowd of sevngmin suitors is extremely competitive? do they simply kidnap him? take his real name and force him to abandon humanity? i dont know lmao i just live here

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