
Hi, I'm Elliot and I write fics. Wrioney has rotted my brain, save me.

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Anonymous Coward · 23h

THAT IS SO AMAZING ANON OH MY GOD I'm sitting in the train and trying not to squeal omg. I just know Lyney would hate it but at the same time be kinda thankful. Not that he would ever want to show it LMAO. I also love your HC about him being physically weak. I think only his back and arms are like toned and trained as an archer so that also fits. But like... Them spending time together in private like that is so fun. I just know Wriothesley did it out of concern but he's probably still constantly teasing Lyney (as he should)

Anonymous Coward · 9d

lyney secretly staring at wrio's body when he is boxing, lyney sure does dislike him but goddamn that man is really attractive. lyney's thought is always like "how could someone be/look so sexy but such a bastard?"

Anonymous Coward · 9d

do you think wriothesley would enjoy roleplaying with lyney?

Hmm. I think he'd do it more to indulge Lyney lmao. Lyney is the kinky one that always wants to try out new things and Wriothesley is the puppy bf just tagging along to make him feel good. Idk about roleplay specifically 🤔 I don't ever read or write it myself. Perhaps some CNC type RP? The prison warden and prisoner roles might be on the nose but I can't think of another type that the two of them wouldn't laugh over LMAO

Anonymous Coward · 10d

hello el do you have any hc wrio react when lyney is injured or sick? do you think wrio will show that he cares? or he's just hiding it?

Anonymous Coward · 10d

weird how anon ships lyney and traveller when lyney just entered adulthood and traveller is hundreds of years old 😬 bit of a freak aren't they... bit of a weirdo

Nooo anon you can't just randomly show up with logic like that, what if they're allergic? 😟

Anonymous Coward · 10d

its weird how you ship wrio x lyney when wrio canonically age is 40 and lyney just entered early adulthood hoyov obv ship lyney with traveler his LOVE INTEREST, that also same goes to wrio

Anon, I am so glad that you took time out of your day to find my profile and then my retrospring. Did you know that the twt algorithm shows you stuff that you continuously interact with? It's okay, you can come out of the closet and admit that you're obsessed with wrioney, none of us will judge 🥰

For your information, I also ship both Lumine and Aether with Lyney and especially Aether, Lyney and Wrio as a trio so I don't really care about what you think ☺️

Anonymous Coward · 17d

wrio and lyney always ignoring/avoiding the heavy sexual tension they both feel

Because ignoring it and acting like nothing is going on is ten times easier than confronting the fact that they might be developing feelings 😌 it's okay tho, one day the tension will make them snap and then they're kissing until they can't breathe 👍🏼

Anonymous Coward · 17d

Thoughts on Topo Gigio?

Anonymous Coward · 18d

Any hc how lyney responds to his haters ? I hc his haters sending him hates messages and always making fun of his outfit, but in return lyney massively flirt with them and teasing them for looking at his outfit etc etc

I assume this is in the context of a modern AU? He'd definitely do that. lol "Oh wow, you're so obsessed with me 🥰" "I had no idea people paid such special attention to my outfits 😍" He just wouldn't take it seriously at all. lol very tough skin

Even in canon I can see him getting away with some of this tho... It would be a lot more veiled and less direct since he has a social standing to uphold and can't piss off too many important people but 👀 he definitely wouldn't take shit form anybody there either

Anonymous Coward · 18d

Hello! Is there any popular wrny headcanon you don't agree with?

Hmm I guess that I very firmly hc them as switches. That's still definitely not as common lol. Overall I can agree with almost all wrioney hcs... I guess I also don't agree with people saying that Lyney has very little experience. He definitely is experienced, even if it was bad experiences and even if he never was in a proper relationship djdjdm

Anonymous Coward · 30d

Where do you post your stories?

Hi! I post all my fics on my ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/plumeofdeath
I occasionally share drabbles on twitter too but those probably got lost in the depths of my media tab lol

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hi El!! This is a bit random but I've been wondering what's your username mean? I always read it as its-amekou if that's correct??

Help, it's just a stupid Mario reference 😭 itsa me, Kou... Cause I used to go by Kou for years lmao I'm so attached to the username, I don't want to change it LDNDKD

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Who is more difficult to write? Wriothesley or Lyney? Outside of wrioney is there a character who you find is difficult to write?

I think back in December I made it my goal for this year to write more Wriothesley centered pieces cause I definitely struggled with my characterization for him for a time lol. At this point they both come pretty easily for me tho 🫶🏼

Funnily enough I always struggled with writing Venti's dialogue for the sole reason that I suck at rhymes and poetry lmao. I always just make him talk normally instead. I also have a character study for Arlecchino planned cause man, she is so delightfully complicated. I think I'm finally happy with how I've written her in something and then I read through it and it's ooc lmao.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Arlecchino's writing is so bad but I gotta listen to hoyo twt gaslight and say it's good and you're a misogynist if you don't like it

Oof, I haven't encountered that yet luckily. I think I'm lucky cause basically all my friends and mutuals are Fatui enjoyers and were disappointed with the resolution of her SQ lol. Nothing wrong with wanting evil characters to be actually evil. Lyudochka's WQ in Inazuma and Scara's and Childe's voicelines were what intrigued me initially, so I'm sad it fell flat in the end 😔

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

What is your favorite paragraph you’ve ever written?

A spent an hour now thinking of my answer, going back and forth between my works and I think I don't have one lmao. I'm very self critical of my work and I easily get frustrated while writing if the words won't come how I want them too. I might have fun with certain tropes or I feel proud of scenes I've written overall, but I never stop after a specific paragraph and go "wow, this slaps. This is the best thing I've ever written." 😭 however, I could immediately point to other fics and clearly point out certain paragraphs or scenes that made me super excited and that I loved, so there's that lmao 😭

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