Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

You keep saying how many wips you have but how many wips do you actually have and how many are you working on rn

Help 😭 not the callout anon. Uhm. dmdndmd okay, let's start with the easier one. I'm currently working on:
- The time travel wrioney AU
- The werewolf/witch wrioney AU
- A sequel to an existing fic
- A Wriothesley centric fic about his past
- An abyss wrioney AU
Additionally to these five, there's... 22 wips in my docs 🧍🏼‍♂️ so that's 27 wips. And I'm currently plotting two more fics, or technically three because I have a collab coming up. Uhm. Yeah. Send help

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