Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Who is more difficult to write? Wriothesley or Lyney? Outside of wrioney is there a character who you find is difficult to write?

I think back in December I made it my goal for this year to write more Wriothesley centered pieces cause I definitely struggled with my characterization for him for a time lol. At this point they both come pretty easily for me tho 🫶🏼

Funnily enough I always struggled with writing Venti's dialogue for the sole reason that I suck at rhymes and poetry lmao. I always just make him talk normally instead. I also have a character study for Arlecchino planned cause man, she is so delightfully complicated. I think I'm finally happy with how I've written her in something and then I read through it and it's ooc lmao.

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