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They-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named · 1mo

Hi there ~ may i ask what is your work process in writing the WIP series? Is there any sequence or anything?
Oh and is there any chance you’d write the full Bodyguard in Bangkok? 😃

Honestly, I already have the whole story planned out before I post a WIP or prompt. But sometimes, I have to pause because:

  1. The idea is too good to ignore.
    I just have to write it down, even if it means putting other stuff on hold.

  2. I need to do some research.
    Like, I'm holding off on 'Daddy's Home' because I'm diving deep into Southern Thai wedding traditions. Or for 'Fireproof,' I'm studying Middle Eastern geopolitics. And for 'Heads Above Water,' I'm consulting a doctor to make sure Est's recovery is accurate.

  3. I'm not happy with how it's turning out.
    I'd rather stop than force it.

Oh, and I really want to write 'The Bodyguard!' It doesn't require much research, just a bit on the criminal underworld and court procedures. Just be patient with me, okay? Haha.

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