Arman · 14 answers · 3y

Did you get the COVID-19 vaccine? If not, when do you think you'll get vaccinated?

No. I'm not sure who's getting what and when, my state isn't following the CDC recommendations for vaccine priority. The CDC recommended putting essential workers and adults 75 or older next in line after medical personnel caring for COVID patients and nursing home residents and staff. People (outside of care homes?) 65 years and older is the CDC's "third priority" group. But my state is going to put "most essential workers" in phase three instead, and put adults 65 and older in phase two. At least, this is what they've said. I don't personally know anyone locally who's been vaccinated yet. I know people in high risk groups who have called to determine eligibility and make an appointment to be vaccinated, but someone told me he got an appointment that was two months from now.

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